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- useEffectOnce import { useEffect } from 'react'; export function useEffectOnce(cb) { useEffect(cb, []); } Example import { useEffectOnce } from...
1- React Native Elements Github Documentation Stars ⭐ +22.6k 2- Native Base Github Documentation Stars ⭐ +18.1k 3- React Native...
Auto Close Tag: Automatically add HTML/XML close tag, same as Visual Studio IDE or Sublime Text. Auto Import: Automatically finds, parses and...
This article runs you through the Setup of Notifee in React Native. I'm assuming that you have installed and configured ✔️ @ react-native-firebase ✔️...
Here's what are we going to implement but without The Pose Effect, which will be added later in a separate article. First of all, Let's setup our...